6 steps to building in public: a path to a tech job or startup success
Maximizing visibility, skills, and opportunities: the public path to tech success
Building in public is, in my view, the best way to secure a job in tech or start a successful business in 2024. This approach serves two crucial purposes: demonstrating technical skills and establishing your presence in the industry. While private skill-building and networking can also lead to success, building in public is a more efficient and effective strategy, combining skill development with visibility.
Building a startup in public
Similar principles apply to starting a business. It's essential to develop your technology and attract customers or investors. Building in public addresses these needs simultaneously, showcasing your tech and making your startup known.
Six steps to start building in public
Identify a personal problem to solve
Start with an idea that addresses your own challenges. This ensures you have at least one user - yourself - and likely others facing similar issues. Solving your own problem reduces the need for external validation and deepens your understanding and connection with the product. Tackling others' problems is feasible but requires more effort in understanding and empathizing with their needs.
Start sharing to get feedback
Use platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to share your ideas and gather feedback. Adapt your messaging to resonate with your audience. For example, when I introduced my idea for a livestreaming platform for techies, I initially received lukewarm interest. Reframing the post to focus on the broader concept of building in public garnered more attention. This approach demonstrates empathy towards your audience and can increase engagement. Remember, ideas are important, but execution is key, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts.
Engage in development
Based on the feedback received, start developing your idea. Feedback is valuable, but it's crucial to make informed decisions based on it without getting overwhelmed by conflicting opinions. This step helps progress the technical aspects of your project.
Show your progress
Regularly update your audience on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Twitch, or YouTube. Share as much of your progress as you're comfortable with. This increases visibility and attracts more people to your project.
Rinse and repeat steps 2-4
Continuously share for feedback, develop based on insights, and showcase your progress. This cycle enhances your project and grows your audience.
Attract opportunities
Through these steps, you'll likely attract potential employers, customers, or investors. Even in the worst-case scenario, you'll gain valuable skills and create something useful. Best case, you'll draw significant interest from key stakeholders.
(Optional) Build your team and scale 🌕
If desired, expand your project into a startup for greater reach and success. This step isn't necessary for everyone, but it's an option for those looking to grow further.
Recap of the steps:
Identify a personal problem to solve
Start sharing to get feedback
Engage in development
Show your progress
Rinse and repeat steps 2-4
Attract opportunities
(Optional) Build your team and scale
Thank you for reading!